With heavy hearts, the U.S.Men's Olympic Volleyball team decided to take the court Sunday, one day after the stabbing death in Beijing of a close relative of the head coach. 美国奥林匹克男子排球队在其主教练的亲属在北京遇刺身亡一天之后,怀着沉重的心情决定星期天照常参赛。
So Jeremiah abode in the court of the prison until the day that Jerusalem was taken: and he was there when Jerusalem was taken. 于是耶利米仍在护卫兵的院中,直到耶路撒冷被攻取的日子。
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is in her70s, and former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his80s. 最高法院法官桑德拉·欧康奈现在已70有余,前卫生局医务主任C·库普80来岁还出任了一个互联网公司的总裁。
The Kwok brothers, Mr Hui and two other co-defendants arrived in court yesterday for the first day of a trial that is expected to last more than two months. 郭氏兄弟、许仕仁和另两位被告昨日抵达法庭参加首日庭审,庭审预计将持续超过两个月。
The company appeals to the Mississippi Supreme Court, whose nine justices will one day either approve the verdict or reverse it. 这家公司上诉到密西西比最高法院,将由九名法官在深思熟虑后,决定到底是批准还是驳回原来的判决。
Officials must pass this way to go to court every day. The guard pitched backward without a sound. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。警卫一声不吭,仰面朝天倒在地上。
Officials must pass this way to go to court every day. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。
I just, I had to be in court that day. 我只是,我那天是要上庭才那样的。
The story goes that a certain court jester went too far one day and insulted his king. 这是关于一个宫廷小丑的故事。这天,他故事讲的有点儿过头,得罪了国王。
As I've said elsewhere, the members of the Court in Plessy remembered the day when human slavery was the law in much of the land. 我在别处就已经说过,普莱西案的法庭人员一定对奴隶制还是这块土地上许多地方法律的时代记忆犹新。
I have often run outside school hours in the basketball court, the day of sweat covered, Fun for all, this way. 曾经的我也经常在课余时间奔跑在篮球场上,整日的满身大汗,其乐无穷,乐此不疲。
King Louis XIV of France prescribed that members of the court should use a different fragrance each day. 法国的路易十四曾规定,他的大臣应该每天换一种不同的香味。
President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor had her second day in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. 今天是奥巴马总统的大法官提名人索尼娅·索托马约尔在美国参议员司法委员会的第二天。
"One case a day" requires assistant lawyers to finish a legal report according to the case of Supreme People's Court per day. 一天一案例,即要求每天学习一个最高人民法院的判例并写出法律报告。
In fact, I can take my20 year old son out to the tennis court and beat him any day of the week. 不管哪一天,我都可以在网球场上打败我那二十岁的儿子。
The court sat to receive essions on this day. 在这一天法院收到宽恕请求。
When Ellen was dressing for a ball or for guests or even to go to Jonesboro for Court Day, it frequently required two hours, two maids and Mammy to turn her out to her own satisfaction; 每当爱伦为了参加舞会,接待客人或者到琼斯博罗去旁听法庭审判而梳妆时,那就得花上两个钟头的时间,让两位女仆和嬷嬷帮着打扮,直到自己满意为止;
If refusing to accept the judgment, the defendant may appeal to the Beijing No.2 Intermediate Court directly or through the court within ten days as of the second day of receiving the written judgment. 如不服本判决,可于接到判决书的第二日起十日内,通过本院或直接向北京第二中级人民法院提出上诉。
As if the judgment had been a judgment originally given in the registering court and entered on the day of registration. 如判是由登法院原先作出,且是在登之日作出的一。
Florida Court Sets Atheist Holy Day! 无神论者的圣日是哪一天?
The court will adjourn for lunch. day student who has lunch at school 法庭午餐时间休庭.提供午餐的走读学生
He was surety for his brother's appearance in court on the day set. 他是为他弟弟在法院规定开庭的日子出庭的担保人。
In that warm summer after peace came, Tara suddenly lost its isolation.& perhaps they thought as much at Court that sunny summer day. 战争结束之后第一个炎热的夏天,突然塔拉的隔离状态被打破了。一那个炎热的夏天宫廷诸公之粗心大意也许正跟它们不相上下。
He is usually on the basketball court at this time of day. 通常情况下,每天这个时候他都在篮球场上。
The defence must is send to court and to the other party within seven day. 必须在7日内将答辩寄给法院和另一方当事人。
Apart from the difficulty in finding a court on day like this we've been practicing pretty hard the past week and Mike wanted to take today off and rest the body. 除了因为像这样的天很难找到球场外,我们前两个星期都训练得挺刻苦的,所以阿大今天想给自己放假,休息休息。
Still, the team's time spent on the FedExForum practice court Monday was anything but a routine day at the office. 我以前就输过,这是个循序渐进的过程。我一直强调的就是我希望球队可以每一天都变得更好,比我们上赛季还要好。
The Court issued orders one day for the arrest of the Boxer leaders, and the next day appointed the pro-Boxer Prince Tuan as minister for foreign affairs. 清廷有一天曾下令逮捕义和团首领,可是第二天又任命维护义和团的端王为总理衙门的大臣办理洋务。
Boy, am I excited to head into court for day one of this riveting nuisance lawsuit. 伙计,我很兴奋,这个吸引人的麻烦诉讼开庭的第一天。